Virtual workwomen leveraging marketing and workflow campaigns for optimal results.

Getting The Most Out of Your Marketing and Workflow Campaigns

(For transparency, the keap/infusionsoft link below is an affiliate link, and using it will get you a discount and earn us a commission.) There’s a pretty big difference between creating…

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Virtual Work Wife

Resolutions for Small Business Success

UPDATE: I originally wrote this article to use as a New Year’s blog. But I think it’s time to call for a 2020 Reboot! With so many people working, or…

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Keywords: woman, laptop

5 Simple Marketing Ideas to Engage Your List This Summer

It’s hard enough to get people’s attention during summer.  Typically we’re out at the beach or hiking or spending time with family; not sitting at our computers waiting for that…

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A group of sticky notes with easy tips to make your calendar better.

Easy Things You Can Do To Make Your Calendar Even Better

  If you’re anything like me your life essentially depends on your calendar!  It’s simply impossible to manage a business, family, and kids’ schedule without a main calendar to act…

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Virtual workwomen - website vs. landing page and what works best for virtual work opportunities.

Website vs. Landing Page – What works best and Why

4-14-20 Website vs Landing Page – What Works Best and Why – Michelle Bell Recently I presented a webinar for Infusionsoft/Keap.  If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between…

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